The mascots of Discord (Wumpus) and Crunchyroll (Hime), along with a black cat, are soaring through the sky. All three are using jetpacks. Hime looks as if they’re having trouble with the jetpack, and Wumpus us giggling as they watch Hime learn to fly. The logos for Discord Nitro and Crunchyroll are between them all.
Discord HQ

Discord x Crunchyroll: Get Premium Access, Connect Your Accounts, and Dive Into Anime

It seems like it’s gonna be another ordinary day. Running late as usual with a piece of toast in your mouth, you’re thinking about how much you’re looking forward to chatting in Voice or watching some anime tonight… but what’s that hurtling down the street towards you?

Why, it’s an Official Discord Blog Post™™™ telling you that Crunchyroll and Discord are teaming up, believe it! Starting today, eligible Crunchyroll subscribers can claim a one-month trial of Discord Nitro, and eligible Nitro subscribers can claim a one-month trial of Crunchyroll Premium! 

And just like that, your life changed… forever. (cue energetic intro credits)

Discord Nitro Users Get Crunchyroll Premium

As if there weren’t enough rad reasons to grab Nitro already, here’s your chance to catch up on everything the folks in your #anime channel won’t stop talking about.  

Subscribers of the Nitro plan will be able to redeem a one-month trial of the Mega Fan tier of Crunchyroll Premium, which includes the following features:

  • An all-you-can-stream buffet of 1,000 titles and 30,000 episodes of pure anime. 
  • Watch everywhere with support for up to four concurrent streams at once.
  • Load up for that long plane ride with access to offline viewing.
  • Enjoy access to Crunchyroll’s digital manga library for those times when sound isn’t needed to enjoy a good story, and new episodes an hour(!) after they air in Japan.

If you're a Nitro subscriber, you can access your trial by visiting Settings > Gift Inventory in the Desktop and Mobile apps. (Offer is for first time Crunchyroll Premium subs only; claim before December 2nd, 2022! Need help? Check out our Help Center for more details.)

Crunchyroll Premium Users Get Discord Nitro

Already subscribed to Crunchyroll Premium and never had Nitro before? Then here’s your chance to post even longer recommendations in your friendly neighborhood #anime channel: In addition to Nitro subscribers getting a one-month trial of Crunchyroll Premium, Crunchyroll Premium subscribers are able to redeem a one-month trial of Nitro

Your one-month trial of Nitro comes with awesome ways to level up your Discord experience: HD streaming, bigger uploads, custom emoji anywhere, and genuinely more stuff that we can’t fit in this paragraph, so here’s a link instead. 

Crunchyroll Premium subscribers can claim their Nitro trial by following instructions in the email sent to them by Crunchyroll before December 2nd, 2022! Once again, fine print is here. Just like the Crunchyroll trial, the Discord Nitro trial is only available for first time subs only.

Find Your (Anime) People

And of course, what better place to discuss those shows than the freshly-launched official Crunchyroll Discord server? Hop in, share your Crunchyroll status and find your people:

Coming Soon: Connect your Crunchyroll Account to Discord

Later this month, you’ll also be able to connect your Crunchyroll account to Discord and show your friends what anime, which episode, and which season you’re watching in real time. Strike up a conversation about the season finale of your favorite series when you see your friends getting to the good part.

Key artwork for Wumpus showing off the Crunchyroll logo, while wearing a gaming headset with built-in cat ears.

Enjoy the fall 2022 anime season — let’s get watchin’!

- Haunting, melodious end credits - 🎶

A four-panel comic featuring the mascots of Crunchyroll (Hime) and Discord (Wumpus). Panel 1: Hime is playing a computer game at their desk. Panel 2: Hime goes to check her messages on Discord, and 99+ messages are awaiting her from multiple friends. Panel 3: Wumpus is sitting on the couch, messaging on their phone while watching anime. Panel 4: Both Wumpus and Hime message to each other at the same time the phrase “I’m going to need more than 30 days…” They both laugh at the same time due to their perfectly-timed messages to each other.

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