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Starting Now, Nitro Users Get 3 Months of Picsart Gold

Editor's Note: This promotion has ended! Stay tuned to our blog for more fun stuff.

If you’ve ever agonized over your profile icon and banner or loaded up your server with custom stickers and emojis, you know how satisfying it can be to express your true self. Or maybe you just read our recent blog post about the Design Buddies server and have some big ideas you’re itching to try out. 

Discord and self-expression go hand in hand. That’s why we’re excited to partner with our friends at Picsart to offer three months of their expansive creative suite: Picsart Gold.

Got Discord Nitro? Get 3 Months of Picsart Gold, On Us

So what is Picsart? And how’s it gonna improve your experience on Discord? 

Picsart offers a range of intuitive tools and templates you can use to edit photos and videos on both desktop and mobile. If you’re reading this post, you’ve got what you need to access the full Picsart suite and get cracking on the project of your dreams.

Want to produce a sick animated profile icon? How about making #announcements, #rules, and #roles channel banners for your coffee-tasting server shine above all others? With Picsart creative tools, you’ll be able to express yourself from anywhere, in any way.

With three months of Picsart Gold, you'll have access to the entire set of premium Picsart features, including:

  • Sharpen, brighten, and darken photos
  • Automatically remove backgrounds from images
  • Access over 20 million stock photos, and a huge library of fonts and animations 
  • Easily crop and resize images (for the perfect Discord avatar or banner)
  • Deploy professionally-made premium templates to start off strong

Claiming Your Three Months of Picsart Gold

​​If you’re subscribed to Discord Nitro, head to Settings > Gift Inventory in Discord and click the link to get your code, then redeem it over at Picsart

Not subscribed to Nitro yet? Just tap on “Discord Nitro” on the same Settings menu or head to discord.com/nitro to get started.

The power of creativity is right at your fingertips! Even people like me, the company blog writer who hasn’t picked up a paintbrush in their life, can tap into an expressive side never seen before.


A comparison between a user's profile before and after they utilized Picsart to add flair to their profile.

Odds are, you can do even better. If you have any questions about this latest Discord Nitro perk, check our Help Center article regarding the Picsart promo for more details. 

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